• Contestants must be between the ages of 18 and 34 to qualify.

  • You may be required to attend a preliminary event if you live in an area with a regional director. There are no preliminary events for “Open Call” contestants.

    Open Call Contestants - Fill out the Join Us form.

    You may apply to be selected to compete ‘open call’ if there are no regional directors in your area. Open Call means you will submit information, photos and a resume to the national offices for review, and once accepted you will receive notification of your selection.

  • If you are born female and between the ages of 18 and 34, you are eligible to apply for the Top Models USA competition. Fill out the Join Us page for more information.

  • No. There are no height and weight restrictions, or specific measurements required to apply.

  • The number of contestants varies each year and is limited by host hotel and runway capacity.

  • After your information is received, it is forwarded to our Regional Directors, who will notify you by email if you are selected within their region. If you live in an area without a Regional Director, you will receive information about an OPEN CALL selection.

  • Each delegate is responsible for paying a registration and a sponsorship fee, which covers the production of competition weekend, meals during the event and all related activities. We will provide you with information to help secure sponsorship to cover the cost. You may elect to cover 100% of your fees through fundraising efforts.

  • Sponsorship can help defray the costs associated with entry fee, wardrobe, etc. Sponsors can include, but are not limited to your family, friends, local businesses, sororities, organizations and clubs, schools, etc. You may secure sponsors from anywhere in or out of state. Take this opportunity to perfect your communications skills. Many local businesses will be supportive when you share your goals with them. If selected, you will receive Official Delegate Paperwork to help secure sponsorship. It is possible to not incur any out of pocket expenses.

  • Rehearsal clothing is very casual, and event clothing is about personal style, and all can be from your wardrobe. Shop your own wardrobe first before heading out to a store. What is important is to select outfits that you feel confident in, that best suits your body type and personality, and reflects how you wish to be viewed as in the world. Your personal choice of a gown spans from simple to more elaborate. It is never the gown that the selection committee is scoring; it’s the young woman wearing it. We provide our sponsors information to you as a resource.

  • Each preliminary segment is weighted 25%. The scores from the preliminary phase are totaled and the 12 contestants with the highest composite scores advance to the Top Models USA finals.

    The 12 finalists will re-compete on the runway in fashion and an on-stage question is posed to each finalist by the host. The judges make their independent selections for Winner, 1rst Runner-Up, 2nd Runner-Up.

  • Yes. You may elect to hire your own hair/makeup team. However, backstage space is not guaranteed for any hair/makeup artists.

  • Tattoos and piercing are a statement of your individuality, and it is up to you whether you choose to show them. If you feel that it may be offensive, you may want to cover it.

  • There are certain responsibilities that accompany the honor of winning Top Models USA. We understand the importance of school and family and will make every effort to schedule appearances around those priorities. Appearances include speaking engagements, modeling, charity events, galas, trade shows, etc.

  • You may visit the “contact” page and submit an inquiry if you have more questions.