Thank you for your interest in the Top Models USA brand!
Our organization is dedicated to empowering women, showcasing their ambitions, skills, achievements, and beauty on a national stage. We strive to provide a platform for women to pursue their goals and career interests, locally, nationally, and globally.
Our Partners will play a vital role in upholding our mission.
As a Partner, your responsibilities for the license year include:
Organizing a casting call within the licensed territory, adhering to all regulations and guidelines.
Timely payment of the designated license fee and adherence to all terms outlined in the License Agreement.
Procurement of commercial liability insurance (if needed) with the Top Models USA Organization listed as an Additional Insured.
Cultivation of sponsors and other partnerships.
Promotion and management of media presence for the selected competitors.
Preparation of contestants for the Top Models USA competition and the responsibilities associated with holding a title.
To be considered as a Partner, prospective candidates must follow these steps:
Submit an application through our form online.
Participate in a virtual interview with a representative from Top Models USA.
Pass a preliminary background check.